Organizational Structure

Bioengineering Research Group’s organizational structure is based on the availability of human resources, needs and challenges of the future. In the structural arrangement of the management center of this study can be seen in the picture.
Adviser : Prof. Dr. Ir. Rudy Soenoko, M.Eng
Chairman : Teguh Dwi Widodo, ST., M.Eng, Ph.D.
Secretary : Rio Prasetyo Lukodono, ST., MT
Treasurer : Amanda Nur Cahyawati, ST., MT.
Quality Assurance : Debrina Puspita Andriani, ST., M.Eng

Members :

  1. Wisnu Wjayanto Putro, ST., M.Eng
  2. Sylvie Indah Kartika Sari, ST., M. Eng.
  3. Nafisah Arina Hidayati, ST.,M.Eng
  4. Dwi Hadi Sulistyarini, ST., MT.
  5. Agung Murti Nugroho, ST., MT., Ph.D.
  6. Sugiono, ST., MT., PhD
  7. Oyong Novareza, ST., MT., Ph. D
  8. Slamet Tohari, S.Fil., MA
  9. Dr. Nurul Hidayati, M.Sc
  10. Ellya Indahyanti, S.Si.,M.Eng

Bioengineering Research Group Organizational Chart